i think there’s a difference between liking someone
and liking the way they treat you
or the way you can treat them
a difference in affection
i’m trying to
differentiate affection
holding back the tensions i’ll create because it will just confuse
because it might not be you
but the attention you give me
what if it isn’t the person but the moment to which they belong
and the moment may be yours and yes that but nothing more
but how do we admit that when they sound the way they do
and do they know
can they tell
that we’re recycling our ways the way ways used to work so right
holding the moment so damn tight so close
as if we really wanted it
as if we really knew
i’m sorry i didn’t know
don’t know
and i probably won’t know even when it’s gone
and you said you didn’t mind
won’t mind
and probably don’t mind now it’s gone
because you differentiated affection
you understood the attention
because you actually held back when i was holding you